10 best chrome accessories are perfect for everyone

10 best chrome accessories are perfect for everyone

Are you a wonderful chrome user? It is good to hear. But first, think about whether there are any basic Chrome accessories that you currently miss your browser, so we will share the 10 best chrome accessories here. So let’s start.


When you have many passwords to be remembered, the lastpass remembers you.

This chrome extension is an easy way to save time and increase safety. He is a single password manager who will log in to all your accounts. You must simply take into account one word: the word “” Citter “to log in to all or any accounts.


  • Save user names, passwords, and LastPasswill, login automatically.
  • Fill the models quickly to save your addresses, credit card numbers and more.

2. Mozbar

Mozbar is an extension of the SEO toolbar that makes it easier for you to analyze SEO for your web pages while browsing. You can customize the search until you see data for a specific area or for all regions. You can get data such as the web site, field power and cookie file. The case column tells you whether there are any links that do not follow the page. You can also compare correlation measures. There is a professional version of Mozbar, too.


Grammarly is an actual online writing and spelling tool. It verifies dictation, rules, and numbering marks while writing, and has a feature of dictionary that suggests relevant words. If you use mobile phones to write from Grammerly, then you also have a mobile keyboard app.

4. Vidlq

Vidiq is a Saas and Chrome product that facilitates and improves YouTube channels. It keeps you aware of the performance of your channel through actual time analyzes and strong visions.


  • Learn more about the ideas and statistics that go beyond YouTube Analytics
  • Find great videos with the Trending tab.
  • You can see your YouTube categories of any video and know how your video is on the charts.
  • Follow the history of the keyword to determine when it rises or decreases in the popularity of the keyword over time.
  • Know quickly the videos that perform the best in YouTube today.
  • Let this tool suggest key words to use in the title, description and brands.

5. Colorzilla

Colorzilla is an extension of the browser that allows you to know the exact color of any object in your web browser. This is especially useful when you want to match the elements on your page to the color of the image.


  • Advanced colors (similar to Photoshop’s)
  • CSS ultimate gradient
  • The website “Web page color analyst” helps you to determine the color palette used on a specific website.
  • Panel scenes with 7 pre -installed panels
  • Eyedropper – a sample of any pixel color on the page
  • History of colors for recently chosen colors
  • It displays some information about the element, including the name of the brand, category, identifier and size.
  • Automatic copies of the colors chosen to the portfolio
  • Get the colors of the dynamic wetter elements
  • Choose colors from flash creatures
  • Choose colors at any zooming level

6. Honey

Honey is the Chrome extension that you make save each product from the website and notify it when it is available at a low price, it is one of the highest extensions for the chrome that finds the coupon symbols whenever you look at the Internet.


  • It is better to find exclusive prices on Amazon.
  • Free reward program called Honey Gold.
  • Looking and filtering the simplest value that suits your request.
  • Immediate notifications.

7. GMASS: Strong Chrome Extension for Market

Gmail (or Gmail) allows users to form and send collective email messages using Gmail. It is a great tool as a result of using it as an alternative to a third -party email. GMASS will love your email functions on the basic system.

8. Clipper concept: Chrome extension of Geeks

It is an extension of the chrome for the obedient that enables you to highlight what you see on the web and keep it on the web.

It has been designed by an idea, which can be a different Google space that helps groups to formulate higher ideas and cooperate effectively.


  • Save anything online with only one click
  • Use it on any device
  • Organize your sections, saved quickly
  • Make a mark, share and comment on the clips

If you are a person working online, you need to browse the Internet to complete your business. Often there is no time to read or analyze anything. But it is important to do that. Clipper Web Clipper will help you.

9. Whatfont: Chrome extension to select any site lines

Whatfont is the Chrome extension that allows web designers to identify and easily compare them on the page. The first time you use it on any page, Whatfont will copy the specific page. This page is used to know the existing lines and create an image that displays all of these lines of different sizes. Besides visible web sites such as Google or Amazon, you will use them simultaneously on the sites wherever the embedded lines are used.


The similar web is to add SEO for both Chrome and Firefox. This is often a good tool if you are looking for new and effective ways for senior economic officials such as web trend analysis.


  • Discover keyword trends
  • Learn about new major words
  • Take advantage of real traffic visions
  • Analysis of the scales of participation
  • Explore unique visitors data
  • Your field category analysis
  • Use the month data so far

How to install the chrome extension in Android

I know everyone knows how to install the extension in the computer, but most people do not know how to install it on Android, so I will show you how to install it in Android

1. Download the Kiwi browser from the Play Store and then open it.


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2. Click on the three points in the upper right corner and select the extension.

3. Click (+from the store) to access and access the Chrome Web Store.

4. Once you find an extension, click add to Chrome, a popup message will appear asking if you want to confirm your choice. Click OK to install the extension in the Kiwi browser.

5. To manage the extensions on the browser, press the three points in the upper right corner. Then select the extensions to reach a catalog of the installed extensions that you can disable, update or remove with only a few clicks.

Your Chrome extensions should be installed on Android, but there is no guarantee that will all work. Since Google Chrome’s extensions have not been improved for Android devices.

The final statement

We hope this list of the 10 best chrome accessories will help you to choose the right chrome accessories. We have chosen the extensions after matching its advantages with the needs of different groups of people. Also any extension you like most of what you have told me in the Comments section

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