2 nutrients should be overcome during the outbreak of bird flu and 4 safe to eat, according to experts
  • The outbreak of the current bird flu contributed to egg deficiency, which prompted the prices of eggs.

  • Most consumer products are safe from pollution due to their production operations.

  • Raw milk is the biggest threat to the consumer.

As the influenza effect on egg availability and price lifting, you may wonder about other daily products that can be affected by recent outbreaks.

The H5N1 virus, which has affected 166 million birds since 2022 and 70 wounded skin, has been discovered in poultry, dairy livestock, and mammals such as seals and cats.

It can spread through direct contact with contaminated animals, water sources or surfaces, exposing poultry workers more likely than infection.

Recently, the notice of the crude chicken is released for suspicion of suspicion of the virus.

Experts told Business Insider that most consumer products will not provide risks due to the accurate inspection required for the mass production of consumers, and directions of farmers – such as execution of bird herds when determining the infection – aimed at preventing polluted products from entering the market.

Another factor that contributes to safety in food supply is the treatment of dairy products, such as milk and cheese, as the pasteurization kills viruses and other harmful bacteria effectively.

Here’s how to stay safe from bird flu while shopping in groceries.

Chicken is not a source of anxiety as long as it is cooked.


Cooked chicken does not pose a threat to birds.Looby/ Istock

As long as you cook your chicken, bird pollution should not be a source of anxiety.

“We had chicken in our house last night,” said Dr. William Shavener, a doctor and former director of the National Infectious Corporation. “We do not eat it raw – we cook it first. So we had no concern about it.”

The process of cooking harmful bacteria usually kills in raw foods, which makes bird infection not very likely.

The US Department of Agriculture always recommends cooking chicken to an internal temperature of at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit to kill harmful bacteria such as the Salmonella virus. The salmonella virus can be found common, as in one in 25 packages of raw chicken, according to the Center for Disease Control.

However, be careful with raw chicken products, such as those you bought for a pet.

A cat eating raw chicken

Raw chicken can be contaminated with the virus and can affect home cats.Lucky_Pics/Shutterstock

Although chicken is not a source of concern for human infection because it is often eaten cooked, it can be exposed to raw chicken in pet products to the virus.

On the first of March, Wild Coast Raw called the frozen raw chicken cat due to the potential flying pollution.

While the FDA (FDA) said, no human infection was reported from dealing with raw food, the agency advised the people who bought cat food to be careful when dealing with them by washing their hands and avoiding contacting their eyes, nose or mouth.

The Food and Drug Administration also ordered pets to retain the symptoms of birds in their pets and themselves.

If you have eggs this morning, there is no anxiety.


Eggs cooked in safe from bird flu.Smith Collection/GADO/Getty Images

Andrew Picots, professor of microbiology and immunology at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg College of Public Health, told the virus’s rapid effects on affected birds, which die shortly after infections, which rarely go without anyone noticing.

“Eggs or chicken do not get a chance even to leave the farm before farmers know that there is a continuous infection,” said Picotz.

If sick birds get an opportunity to lay eggs before their death, overseeing poultry farms means that these eggs do not reach food supplies. In cases where sick birds lay eggs on commercial farms, their eggs are destroyed as soon as the virus is discovered in the herd.

In the end, this means that the eggs you buy in the store are unlikely to be affected.

If you prefer a flow of eggs, the bird flu does not pose additional risks.

Avocado toast with an egg on top.

The uncooked eggs do not carry any additional risk of influenza pollution.Chanda Hopkins/Getty Images

The FDA does not recommend eating raw eggs due to the increased risk of pregnant bacteria that transports food such as salmonella. Instead, it is recommended to “cook eggs so that both egg yolks and white are fixed.”

However, uncooked eggs do not carry any additional risks to carrying bird flu.

“Even the consumption of raw eggs,” said Shavener. “There were no risks associated with eating,” he said during this current fascism.

Currently, there is no general health warning of raw egg consumption due to bird flu.

Raw beef was not found to be at risk of pollution.

Tartari Steak

While risky food itself, raw beef in the supermarket is currently not a threat.stock

The Center for Disease Control stated that bird flu has been discovered in dairy cows, but the nature of its infections indicates that cows conservative may not be at risk.

However, since 2024, the US Department of Agriculture began testing cows randomly for the virus to monitor any changes to infection trends and stress mutations.

Currently, the virus has not been detected in livestock, as raw beef is made from influenza pollution, although experts say it is risky in itself because of its ability to withstand harmful bacteria and parasites.

Food safety standards recommend cooking cow meat to an internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent diseases transmitted by food.

However, there is bad news if you drink raw milk.

Gallon of raw milk is displayed in a refrigerator in the Raw Farm USA Dairy store in Fresno Province on Friday, June 14, 2024.

Raw dairy can be contaminated with the virus.Fresno Bee/Getty Images

Despite its increasing popularity in the pockets of the United States, raw milk can be very dangerous, even when there is no outbreak of influenza.

While some studies indicated that children who grew up on farms – where they consumed raw milk and exposed to other environmental factors – have a decrease in the occurrence of allergies in what is known as “the effect of the farm”, experts say that the great dangers of consuming crude milk outweigh any alleged benefits.

Unpasteurized milk exposes consumers to harmful bacteria such as Salmonella, E. Coli, and Listeria. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported that the consumption of raw milk was linked to 2,645 disease and 228 hospitals from 1998 to 2018.

In light of the outbreak of bird influenza, experts recommend strongly against its consumption.

“This is the only product that we are concerned at the present time,” said Shavener.

Unpasteurized milk has the ability to carry bird flu virus as a nurse because it can be present in dairy cattle. This has led to multiple summonses of raw dairy products in California after the discovery of the virus.

In the dairy farms in which the livestock was often, the improper cleaning of the milking machines is often the point of infection.

It kills the virus effectiveness, and even pushed the leading brands in raw milk to treat its products as a warning measure during the current virus outbreak.

Pasteurized milk and dairy do not pose a danger.

Milk and various dairy products.

Pasteuric kills bird flu virus, and protects most dairy products from pollution.VikToria Hodos/Shutterstock

While raw milk is the biggest threat to consumers of infection, experts say the pasteurization process effectively kills the bird flu virus and many other harmful bacteria.

On dairy farms, the livestock discovered immediately from production is discovered, which reduces the chance of pollution of the virus that enters food supply in the first place.

“These products are, at the present time, do not provide any danger,” said Shavener.

Stay tuned for the farmers market.

Eggs in the farmers market.

Local sellers often do not have the same oversight supervised by the main farms.Wendy Maeda/The Boston Globe via Getty Images

After shopping in farmers’ markets, clean food properly and cook your food according to food safety standards.

Local and young sellers can lack organized control implemented by major farms and groceries for service providers, but most animal products – unlike unpasteurized raw milk – are still safe from pollution from bird flu.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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