A man accused of shooting, the man was killed, and another was injured after a quarrel in Humwood

A man accused of shooting, killing a man and wounding another person in Hummod.

The officers were summoned to Jabal Vernon Street in Humwood North at 11:36 pm on Friday to shoot. They found a dead man and another person was taken to the hospital in critical condition.

Previous coverage >>> Another man was killed in critical condition after the shooting overnight

According to a criminal complaint, Brezeline Turner, 36, called for 911 from the site where the victims were found and said he was assaulted and confessed to shooting both victims.

One of the witnesses told the scene, one of the parents of the victims, the investigators that they lived with their three children in the building in a joint room on the first floor. Brillin Turner lives on the third floor and his father lives on the second floor. All residents share a kitchen on the first floor.

The father told the police Turner faced them in the kitchen and demanded the knowledge of who was in his room. The father told him that no one was in his room. The discussion escalated to a hot argument, one of the victims came out of their room, and Turner demanded that his parents ’face out. The situation is escalating and the second victim is also involved.

Turner’s father and the father of the victims tried to separate the men’s group to prevent fighting, but one erupted.

The father said that Turner said that he would kill each of them and ascend to the upper floor for a weapon. He returned to the basement, wounded the gun at the bottom of the stairs and shot the first victim at the back twice. Then he shot the second victim who fell to the ground. Then Turner walked to him and shot him again while he was directed to the ground.

During an interview with the police, Turner told a different story. He said he noticed something missing from his room and went to the basement to face the victims around him and put his weapon under his belt. He told the police that he had words with the victims and said they “jumped.” He said he was freed from strangling and stopping the battle, when he pulled his rifle. He admitted to the police that he had shot the men and said he knew that he had killed one of them because of “how he looked at the ground.”

The investigators searched the house and found multiple covers of the shell, live round, a divorced bullet, and cocaine suspected of crack and marijuana.

Turner faces criminal murder accusations, strict assault, threatening someone else and attempted murder.

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