A former teacher in community schools in Clarkville, who is accused of inappropriate contact with a student of several criminal charges, is faced, according to court records.
Connor Lin Beige was charged on Thursday in Clark County with children, trying to possess pornography for children and indirect sexual gratification, according to court records.
The charges of alleged incidents that extend from December 2023 to May 2024 stem.
According to a possible reason for a written certificate:
The director of Clarkville Intermediate School, Nikki Bollington, called the Clarkville Police Department in April 2024 to notify the investigators that she learned through one of the employees that the page claimed that she had been inappropriately contacted with a student.
The police obtained an inspection note for the page home and seized many of the later searched electronic devices. Investigators have learned details about the origins of the alleged relationship and their nature through interviews with the victim and her family and the evidence collected from the devices and social media accounts.
Page was the math teacher of the victim at Clarkasfil Intermediate School in the fall of 2023 and was transferred to the Renaissance Academy, a secondary school in the region, which is the semester after the winter holiday. Email to an email began “excessively” during the winter holiday, which caught the school’s attention and pushed school officials to inform them of the stop.
After they stopped via e -mail, they started communicating via Instagram using the “close friends” feature, which allows users to publish stories that can only be shown by specific accounts. The victim told the police that they were the only users in the “close friends” lists of each other, and their posts were often directed towards each other.
The victim told the investigators that the page will sometimes wait to start from the bus in his car after school and talk about marrying her when she was 18 years old, according to the written statement. She also claimed that he pressed her to send nude photos of herself and ordered her not to tell anyone about speaking.
The victim told the investigators that communication between them stopped on April 28, 2024, after child protection services and police came to her home.
Brian Shaw, a provincial spokesman, said the page resigned from his position with the area on April 30, 2024.
“When our attention was drawn to the initial allegations, we immediately informed the law enforcement and the child services management, and the employee concerned was removed from the building,” the province said in a statement.
In November, a parent of the victim filed a civil lawsuit against the page. The lawsuit also blamed in the educational area, the director of the Clarkville Intermediate School and a school consultant for its failure to prevent inappropriate communications despite the warning signs.
This lawsuit is suspended in court.
The page was appointed to appear before the Criminal Court on Monday to attend the bond session.
Call the correspondent Killian Baarlaer on kbaalaraer@gannett.com or @bkillian72 on x.
This article was originally appeared in Louisville Course Journal: Clarksville Middle School accused of pornography for children