Best 7 best additional WordPress in all ages

Best 7 best additional WordPress in all ages

Best 7 best additional WordPress in all ages

If you are looking for the best WordPress ingredients, you are in the right place. Here is a list of the best WordPress components that you should use in your blog to enhance ovaries of search engines, strong your safety and know all aspects of your blog. Although creating good content is one of the factors, there are many additions that perform different procedures and add to your success. So let’s start

1.Yoast SEO

These serious users in senior economic officials, Yoast SEO will work to reach their goals. All they need is to determine a major word, and the additional component will then improve your page according to the specified main word

Yoast provides many famous SEO WordPress functions. It gives you an actual time analysis to improve your content, photos, descriptions of the addresses, addresses, and keows. Yoast is also validated by the length of your sentences and vertebrae, whether you use adequate transitional lyrics or sub -titles, the number of times you use the passive sound, etc. Yoast Google tells if a page index or a set of pages as well.

Allow me to summarize these points in lead:

  • Emphasize the ability to read your article to reduce the bounce rate
  • Improving your articles with major targeted words
  • Let Google know who you are and what is your site
  • Improving the search engines on the page with advanced orientation in the actual time and tips on using keywords, connecting, and external connection.
  • Keep your main words of your concentration to help better on Google.
  • Preview how your page will appear on the search engine results page (SERP)
  • Crawl for your site daily to ensure Google indexes as soon as possible.
  • The values ​​of your article to inform you of any mistakes you may have made so that you can fix them before publishing.
  • Keep aware of the latest changes in the Google algorithm and SEO air conditioning on the page as needed with Smartsuggestions from Yoast Seo. This assistant program is always updated.
  • Free version available


  • Distinguished version = $ 89 a year comes with additional functions, allowing you to improve your content to five main words, among other advantages.

2. WP missile

WordPress can put a lot of pressure on the server, which increases the chances of the website’s disruption and harm to your work. To avoid such an unfortunate position and make sure all your pages are downloaded quickly, you need an additional ingredient for temporary storage such as the WP missile.

WP Rocket Plugin designed to increase your website speed. Instead of waiting for the pages to save the cache, Rocket WP operates the required cache, such as page cache and GZIP. The additional component also activates other features, such as CDN support and download LLAZY images, to enhance your site speed.

Features of lead:

  • The browser hunts
  • Pre -storage memory for pages
  • Reducing the number of HTTP requests allows web sites to download more quickly.
  • Reducing the use of the frequency range with GZIP pressure
  • Applying the optimal browser cache (expiration)
  • Repair and merge JavaScript and CSS files
  • Unused CSS removal
  • Reasonload download (Lazyload)
  • Web compatibility
  • Dealing download of JavaScript files
  • Delay javascript implementation
  • CSS embarrassment and download CSS files
  • Database improvement
  • WordPress Heartbeat API Control
  • DNS Prefection
  • CDN integration
  • CLODFLERE integration
  • Integration juices
  • Import/export ease of settings
  • Easy to back down to a previous version


  • One license = $ 49 a year for one web site
  • In addition to a license = $ 99 a year for 3 web sites
  • An endless license = $ 249 a year for unlimited web sites

3.Wordfnce Security

Wordfnce Security is a WordPress Wall, a security scanner that maintains your site in safe from fierce infiltrators, random mail and other online threats. This assistant program comes with the WAF Wall Wall (WAF) called TTREAD Defense Feed, which helps prevent brute force attacks by ensuring the setting of stronger passwords and restricting entry login. He is looking for malware and compares the code files, theme and the additional component with records in the warehouse to check their safety and change reports on you.

Wordfnce Security Scanner provides you with your web safety visions and will alert you to any possible threats, and keep them safe and safe. It also includes login safety features that allow you to stimulate ReCAptcha and dual -facting authentication for your website.

Features of lead.

  • It wipes your site for weaknesses.
  • It alerts you via email when discovering new threats.
  • It supports advanced login safety measures.
  • IP addresses may be automatically banned if suspicious activity is discovered.


  • Premium Plan = $ 99 a year that comes with additional safety features such as the actual IP menu and the option to ban the country and also support from highly qualified experts.

4. Akismmet

Akismet can help prevent the appearance of random mail on your site. Every day, it automatically checks every comment against a global database of random mail to prevent harmful content. With Akismet, you will not have to worry about innocent comments that are discovered by the candidate or wrong positives. You can simply tell Akismet about these and will improve over time. It also checks your communication form submission against its global random database and gets rid of unnecessary fake information.

Features of lead:

  • The program automatically checks the comments and filtering from the random mail.
  • Hidden or misleading links are often detected in the suspension.
  • Akismet tracks the condition of each comment, allowing you to know which of them has been caught by Akismet and which was wiped by a supervisor.
  • The feature of banning the random mail that provides the disk space and makes your site work faster.
  • Supervisors can view the list of comments approved by each user.


  • Free for use for personal blog

5. Contact Form 7

Contact Form 7 is an additional component that allows you to create communication models that make it easier for users to send messages to your site. The additional component was developed by Takayuki Miyoshi and allows you to create multiple communication models on the same site; It also merges the liquidation of unwanted messages Akismet and allows you to customize the design and fields you want to use in the form. The additional component provides Captcha and Ajax.

Features of lead:

  • Create and manage multiple communication models
  • Easily customize the forms fields
  • Use a simple coding to change mail content
  • Add a lot of third -party accessories to additional functions
  • The short code provides a way to include content in pages or posts.
  • Akismet Spam Filtering, AJAX offers, and Captcha are all features for this assistant program.



When looking for an easy way to manage Google Analytics, it can help Monster Insights. You can add, customize and integrate Google Analytics data, so you will be able to know how to perform every web page, which are online campaigns that bring most traffic, and any content that deals with them. It is the same Google Analytics

It is a powerful tool for tracking your traffic statistics. However, you can display statistics for your active sessions, transfers and bounce rates. You will also be able to see your total revenues, the products you sell, and how to perform your site when it comes to referrals.

Monsterinsights offers a free plan that includes the integration of basic Google analyzes, data visions and user activity standards.

Features of lead:

  • Population composition and interest reports:
  • Anonymous from IPS for visitors
  • See the extent of the extent where visitors are going below
  • Show multiple links on the same page, and shows you the links. You get more clicks
  • See two related sites with one session
  • Google AdSense follow
  • I send you a weekly analysis report for your blog, you can download it as PDF


  • Premium PLAN = $ 99.50 a year that comes with additional features such as page and post Tracking, AdSense tracking, allocated tracking and reports.

7. Beautiful links

Links Pretty is an additional WordPress ingredient that enables you to connect the links on your website so that it allows you to redirect visitors easily based on a specific request, including the permanent redirect of 301 and 302/307.

Beautiful links also help you default your URL automatically to publish and page.

You can also enable the automatic link feature to add automatic links to some keywords


  • Create clean URL addresses and easy to remember on your website (301, 302 and 307 Restore)
  • A random generator or two dedicated URLs
  • Track the number of clicks
  • It is easy to understand reports
  • View Click Details including the IP address, the distant host, the browser, the operating system and the site of the reference
  • You can pass dedicated parameters to your text programs when using the beautiful fixed link, and you still have a full tracking capacity.
  • Excluding IP addresses from statistics
  • A system based on cookies to track your activity by clicks
  • Create Nofollow/Noindex links
  • Switch to running / turn off on each link.
  • Breath Link Baindmarklet
  • Update the links that have been easily redirected to the new URL addresses!


  • Beginner Plan = $ 79 a year that can be used on one site
  • Marketer Plan: $ 99 a year – it can be used in sites up to 2 sites
  • Superized Plan: $ 149 a year – it can be used in 5 sites up to 5 sites

We hope you have found this article useful. We can read and welcome your notes if you have.

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