Building workers were building a solar factory-and revealed a 5,000-year-old fortress
  • Since a large -scale Spanish solar factory project discovered the copper era settlements in 2021, archaeologists have continued to extract the site for new discoveries.

  • The latest major discovery on the site: Details of the hill fort, which was protected by three concentrated walls.

  • There is also a mysterious death, as structural remains of a former soldier are found to face in the middle of a suspicious circumference.

The solar factory project, which started in 2021 in the Madradeo, Spain, played an unexpected role when workers discovered settlements from the copper era in the region. Since then, archaeologists have been bonus.

Construction began in the factory in November 2021 and soon discovered a group of settlements from the Stone Age. Acciona Energia, the Acciona Energia company, ACICIONA ENERGIA, which has already revealed details of a 140,000-foot castle on Tel-which included stone and Dubai walls, and three trenches, six feet depth, and 27-inch input.

The hill fort, known as Cortigo Lobato, was only 400 years old, according to the site’s study as stated in Country. Archaeologists believe that despite the very fortified location, which includes three concentrated walls and 25 tower, enemies eventually enable the castle to attack and destroy the Pentagon. At some point, the site also maintained a delusional fire.

Cesar Perez, a leading archaeologist, said, according to Country. “These doors were far from other flammable materials, which indicates that the fire was not accidental, but rather as a result of the attack on the enemy – a scene of the violence and the destruction that the settlement was attacked, and its defenses ended, and the structure in the end.”

Nevertheless, the fort was part of a larger society. “These fortifications are usually determined or an ocean monitoring area,” said Alisia Lizarara, Director of the Environment at Acciona Energia. “Their goal can be defensive, to protect society and its resources from wild animals and conflicts with other peoples.”

Peres agreed. Perez said: “The development of defensive design and the need for a great workforce enhances the idea of ​​a well -organized and organized society.” The Times. She had a violent end. We see more and more in this type of site that the level of conflict in the Culithic Stone period was higher than it was previously thought. “

The combination of both the trench and the wall was rare during this period, and the size was also impressive – large as the only site similar to all over Spain, according to Victoria Bazja, the region’s Minister of Culture.

The carbon dating for the animal remains mixed with the ashes of the fire, putting the demise of the final fort about 2450 BC – before the following human interaction with the site, which came after about 2700 years during the late Roman Empire. In general, the number of archaeologists in 11 sites: six ranges from the last centuries from the fourth millennium BC to the first centuries of the third millennium BC, and five others extending from the bronze and iron era to the period of the lower Roman Empire.

In the area where they found evidence of housing in the Roman era, the crews also discovered a grave near a shallow-burial trench for a man who believed that he was between 25 and 35 years old at the time of death. He was placed on his face down, and his feet cut the sheated dagger – known as Pugio – put on his back.

“This indicates that the individual may have a military role, as Pugio was the standard dagger used by the Roman Legion,” Perez said, adding that the act was likely to be hasty because of the shallowness of the grave. The clear expansion of placing the dagger on his back “a means of indicating that he was a member of the army and was given a stored burial.”

Perez said that only the Roman Corps was stationed in Spain at the time: Legio Vii Gemina. The Legion was established in the year 74 AD, based in the modern era, and it is known to specialize in road surveillance and security. Perhaps cutting the feet.

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