Conservatives said that the human rights law should not apply to immigration decisions.
They are calling for a change in the law that would prevent people from challenging their deportation on the basis of human rights in UK courts.
Leader Kimi Badnosh previously criticized how some foreign criminals and illegal immigrants were using the law to avoid deportation.
The Ministry of Interior source told the BBC that the conservatives have left the asylum system in chaos and their proposal will be completely implemented.
The Human Rights Law was approved by a former party government, and the European Human Rights Convention (Echr) was incorporated into British law.
Echr was a topic that was hot in the Conservative Party – where some want to completely withdraw from the treaty.
This law was used to stop attempts to deport migrants who are considered illegally in the United Kingdom, and to stop the flights carrying asylum seekers in Rwanda.
Badenoch did not suggest leaving the European Convention on Human Rights, but he argued that some foreign criminals and migrants in the United Kingdom have illegally used the law to avoid deportation – for example, would undermine their right to family life.
She also believes that some judges are generously explaining the provisions of the law when refusing to deport.
Conservatives propose to an amendment to the government border security, the draft asylum and migration law – which is currently in the committee stage – would disappear the act in immigration issues.
Policy will give it a clear political line with work.
Under the European Human Rights Convention, migrants can still appeal against deportation to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
The Minister of Cabinet Office has become a guarantee of the BBC newspaper on Sunday with Laura Qinsburg that the suggestion of the conservatives “is similar to the use of external sources” of immigration decisions to the Strasbourg Court.
“I don’t think this really deals with the issue, and I am afraid that this is a symptom of the type of tricks without making it for a long period of time,” he said.
Later in the program, the shadow minister in shadow, Chris Philip, defended the proposal, saying that he would make “very big difference”. He said that the judges had sought the definitions under EHCR “in ways of challenging the right sense.”
“Of course we believe in rights, but when you have the courts of expanding the definition constantly in a way that has never been thought at first … it goes out of control,” he said.
Philip said that membership in the European Human Rights Convention requires “appropriate consideration”, in which the conservatives will think “in a very careful way in the coming months.”
Badnoush said that the amendment it suggests will be “it is very important to transfer the powers of immigration from the courts to the elected parliament and ministers, which provides more effective control of our borders.”
She said: “Working in the interest of Britain National means realizing the basic purpose of the government: defending our borders, values and people. Our amendment aims to restore control and define national security priorities.”
The source of the Ministry of Interior said: “The conservatives left the asylum system in complete chaos.
“They had 14 years to make changes, and instead spent hundreds of millions of pounds on the failed Rwanda scheme, where small boat crossings reached a record number.
“This modification is completely not applicable.
“Instead of dealing with crazy proposals that will never succeed, the work government gets a grip from the asylum system, which increases the removal of those who have no right to be here, and provide millions in asylum hotels and consider ways to tighten the application of Article 8 to ensure the system’s work more effectively.”
Echr was founded in 1950 by a number of countries including the United Kingdom.
The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg oversees the treaty, which defines the rights and freedoms that people are entitled to 46 signed countries, by the European Human Rights Court of Strasbourg.
It is separate from the European Union – so the United Kingdom remained part of both after Britain’s exit from the European Union.