Find the cannabis farm in your home – podcast | Hashish

Find the cannabis farm in your home – podcast | Hashish

I have been 79 years old when he rented his house in southern London, so his daughter, Kinda Jackson, urged him to use a good reputation for peace of mind. He rented a company called Imperial after admiring the professionalism of the agent, Shan Mia.

However, he tells Kinda Helen is handHer father became seriously sick with Covid and died almost, and when he was discharged from the hospital, he found that his wife had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, which means that he suddenly needed to pay the price of her care. Then he discovered that during this time the rent suddenly stopped his property.

The family made a phone call after a phone call to an Emperor who asked about his rent. Finally, Ibn Hajaj went to the property, to find a steel door that was placed on it. He could hear the fans if the house of their rented father turned into a hemp farm. “Every room in this house has been destroyed with hashish veils,” Kinda says, and we also found a man living in a very small room in the role of property. “

The police arrested the man but did not achieve more. Therefore, Kinda contacted the Guardian Writer Sirin Keel, who soon discovered that the empire was not a legitimate company and destroyed the characteristics of many other owners.

But who was behind it – and how widespread this type of fraud?

An illustration of the house behind some hemp plants
Complex: guardian design; Johny87; Creative family Peter Dazili/Getty Emoz

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