Fox is ready for emotional return, the first game against the kings

Fox is ready for the emotional return of SACRAMENTO, the first game appeared in front of the kings originally in the NBC Sports Bay area

SACRARARENTO – De’aaron Fox is familiar with SACRANTO like anyone else, but he felt something different on Thursday when he arrived at the place where he once called home.

“The first thing that was strange was to go to the sajoor [Hotel]”I have never done a night there before. This was definitely the strangest part for me,” Fox said after Spears called Friday morning at the Golden 1 Center.

Fox spent seven and a half years in the capital of California during his time with kings, but he used to drive about 25 miles east to his home in Karmalic after practices and games.

Friday’s shooting was the first time that his foot was hunted to the Golden 1 Center as a member of San Antonio Spears. Although he will use humor and has a great attitude towards it, there is no doubt that it is imperative to be an emotional return on Friday night.

“For the people I have already encountered, it was a lot of love and I am really able to do so,” Fox said. “I was 19 years old when I got here and welcomed me with open arms. So I am sure I can appreciate the time I spent here.

“I grew up here. From a young man who is really to a young man who now raises a family. I appreciate the time I spent here, I enjoyed a lot here. So definitely not something that I consider to be fierce.”

After his desire to spend his entire career in the American Professional League with kings and belief, things changed quickly for Fox and the only professional basketball organization he knew. He was traded to San Antonio, his favorite destination, on February 3 in a three -team deal that also brought Zach Lavin from the American Professional League stars twice from the Chicago Bulls team to the kings.

While there have been rumors and a lot of gossip since Fox’s departure regarding the cause or how it happened, it is ready to put the conversation behind it and focus only on basketball.

“I spoke my article, so I finished talking about it,” Fox said. “I am excited to be here to play in front of this fan base again and see people I know and love.”

Fox is not sure of what can be expected from the G1C crowd when it was presented in the opposing team for the first time. During the Kings 130-88 Blowout over Charlotte Hornets on February 24, before the team started a four-game journey on the road, the team inspected its following home match: Kings VS. Spurs.

Displaying a drawing on Jumbotron Lavin in the shirt of kings and fox in the Tottenham shirt, causing a mixed reaction from the crowd, including loud difficulties.

“I expect a good basketball game,” said Fox. “I saw consumption. That’s what it is.”

The former Fox teammate and his close friend, Kings Murray striker, also known as “Uncle Kigz”, hopes that Fox fans will receive Friday night positive.

“We are not worried about it. We hope this is a positive thing. This is what I hope,” Murray said. “I know that Fox loved seven and a half years here, and we have reached the qualifiers and things like that. So I think he gave everything when he was here, so I just hope for the best reception for him.”

Fox Murray took under his wing since the 2422-23 rising season. They spent offseasons together in SACRARENTO, both on the field to work in their game and make each other better, and also out of the field to build a close relationship.

This is how Uncle Kigz was born, as rock duties at the time included that Ring’s son Fox.

Three years later, diaper duties were less thunderbolt and more than Murray’s willingness to connect with Riny and 7 -month -old Fox’s daughter, poppy.

Yes. On Friday, Murray said about the children of Fox. “I am used to seeing them after the games, so it was a change. I have talked to them since our time, so I am sure to see his family for sure. “

Even more than 1700 miles, though, Murray and Fox are sure to stay in contact as much as possible.

Murray said: “We have been truly intimate friends from the moment when I got here,” Murray said. “So we were in contact a lot, as I say. The face, text messages, things like that. Just stay in touch.

“At the end of the day, basketball aside, we are really good friends, and I am really friends of Hamimon with his family.”

They will be nothing but intimate friends when they move to solid wood for the first time as opponents. Both players are competitors in their own way, and they know each other’s games inside and outside.

Fox expects Murray, who usually assigns guarding the best player for the opposing team, will defend him. He also talked about the growth of Murray over the past three seasons, such as the proud father.

“Kegan may know all my moves,” said Fox. We spent a summer together playing a lot of 1 on 1. They asked me who I thought was guarding me and I was like, and I assumed that Kejan guarded me. I was around him. I saw him continued to grow as a player, and he continued to see him becoming a better and better defensive player than he was when he came. So this is definitely an exciting match. “

Murray also looks at the challenge.

“The only time I defended was in the summer, so it was fun to be able to compete with him in the summer and play 1 to 1,” Murray said. “I am only excited to go there and compete against it.

“At the end of the day, it’s just a basketball, so aside the feelings, we will play basketball and compete against Spears. After the match, if people want to speak and chat, as soon as the ball stops, we will stop the competition.”

Emotions in Sacranto Air will be on Friday night, but it is safe to say that everyone is excited just because of the competition on the ground.

During the Fox kings, an average of 21.5 points in fire was 47.1 percent, with 3.9 rebounds, 6.1 passes and 1.4 theft in 33.2 minutes through 514 games (500 beginnings). He was one time star in the American Professional League, the All NBA team was once, and he was 2022-23 in the year and was the theft champion 2023-24.

He helped lead kings to the qualifiers during the 2022-23 season for the first time in 17 years, and the seven match series remains seven games that will never be forgotten.

From the 19 -year -old rising to a 27 -year -old man, Sueba’s memories of Sacramento are countless. But one in particular comes out more than others.

“I think it is easily the first decisive game,” said Fox. “I mean, you have a home court feature, you will get game 1. It is easily the best moment I was being while I was here. Many of you have seen early in 2000 [Kings] The difference, but many children did not see it.

“So, just the ability to give them a piece of that basic memory is definitely the highest real level in my task menu, definitely.”

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