France begins to hand over military bases to Senegal

Dakar, Senegal (AP) – France handed over control of two military facilities to Senegal on Friday, and the official operation to withdraw its military presence from the country of West Africa began with its flowing influence in the region.

Delivery follows the announcement of the President of Senegal Pasero Diomae Fi late last year that all foreign forces will leave the country.

The French embassy in Senegal said in a statement on Friday.

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France established a joint committee with Senegal last month to regulate the withdrawal, and the French army recently announced that it had refused 162 Singalians who worked on military bases in Dakar.

The French embassy did not respond to an email late on Friday in search of details about the remaining number of members of the service in Senegal.

The new Senegal government has taken a hard position on the presence of French forces as part of a greater violent reaction against what many see as the legacy of the repressive colonial empire.

France faced opposition from some African leaders about what they described as an insulting and heavy approach to the continent. He has suffered from setbacks in West Africa in recent years, including Chad, Niger and Burkina Faso, as the French forces are no longer on the ground.

France said it plans to reduce its acute presence in all its bases in Africa except for Djibouti, including 350 French soldiers in Senegal. She said that she might instead provide targeted defense or military support, based on the needs that these countries have expressed.

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