“I was sleeping in a bed covered in boxes”

“I was sleeping in a bed covered in boxes”

Zola Hargrevs and Danny Thomas

BBC News

BBC Jin is smiling at the camera. She sat at her home surrounded by the elements she collected, including decorative cats and framed images. It has a short gray and gray hair and wears light brown carnival on top of a mixed green surface.BBC

Jin started collecting things after her husband’s death, but she admits that she became a “stone” around her neck

The excessive storage of Jane after her husband’s death is so bad that she was only able to sleep on half of her bed.

Her mother, who started assembling to fill the gap she left after her husband took his private life: “The other half of three to four feet was the boxes,” said her mother, who started assembling to fill the gap that she left after her husband took his private life.

Jayne is one of an estimated 20 people in the UK considers an intense disorder, and is trying to launch a “Millstone” about its neck.

With high relapse rates, instead of the usual way to throw everything away, Jin gets help to reuse and re -display them so that they are not suffocated again.

Jin started storing when her husband died and said she was the mechanism of confrontation with her grief

The 75 -year -old said the treasure has become a small way to find pleasure in life again after she left a single mother with two teenage children.

Jin’s elements, including her large group of ornamental cats, gave her the pleasure she said was missing after her husband died almost 30 years ago.

“I think I cried every day for years,” said retired library secretary.

“I don’t wish this to my worst enemy.”

“The treasure was how I dealt with sadness”

Jane said that going on shopping trips and buying “nice things” helped her grief.

“I was looking for fun in my life,” she recalls.

“I had money and I had to keep myself.

Jin said that she “never felt happy” when she returned home from a shopping trip with “so many things in my car that I couldn’t get anything else in it.”

Family image is a picture of Jane as a younger woman with her late husband. They demonstrate together at a point of view. Jayne has a long curly hair, a blue dress and her husband wears a short -sleeved shirt.Family

Jin from two Jin started storing while struggling to overcome the sadness of her husband’s loss for nearly 30 years

But when she found herself sleeping on half of her bed because the other half was 4 feet [1.2m] High with boxes, I thought about themselves the things necessary for change.

Jin said: “It was like rooms around my neck.”

She said: “I was sleeping in half of my bed because the other half was from three to four feet with boxes.”

“The height of this room was about six feet with things, and the entire house was like this. You realize this addiction.”

Jin is now assisted by an organization that finds new uses of its chunky tools and prevents it from going to the waste dump.

Animal lover began her boxing boxing and granting them – like a school that is not far from it in southern Wales.

She said that she was the owner of the home, he saved her from forced permits, but she heard many stories about her from the support group that she attends every week.

“I got a lot of the things that I attached to, I don’t know how I had dealt with someone who comes and throws all my things,” Jin, who lives with her eight cats, admitted one dog in Nioport.

“If someone delights me from my things, then I am happy.”

“But if someone has got some fun of my things, I am very happy to go now.”

Jin was referred to a comprehensive storage two years ago to help, and now it gives the boxes week after week, which the charitable association says 12 months ago was “impossible” to her.

“If you appreciate each element in your home and someone comes without care and only throws it in the box – how will this make you feel?” Sustainability officer Celeste Lewis said.

“If we can show that others can find value in their elements, they have pride instead of shame.”

A class full of primary school children

Some things taken from Jayne’s house were used by children at Hawthorn Primary School in Cardiff

The Hawthorn Primary School in Cardiff is one of the recipients of things, and the headmaster Gareth Davis said it gave children “equipment that we will never be able to withstand in the budget.”

Without supported intervention, experts estimate all people with storage behaviors that have to disinfect their homes.

“We are looking for a 97 % relapse of relapse of forced skies without treatment.”

Support workers can spend up to two years working with someone and comprehensive condensation, which covers parts of southeast Wales, gets at least a new referral to help every day.

“I can see wood from trees now”

“This is a difficult population,” said Professor Mary Ocunile, a South Wales University lecture, which is looking for a treasure.

“I think there is a huge idea that if you cannot deal with a little laundry, continue while maintaining the cleanliness of your home and then, you fail. It is a very special disorder.”

Jane said she appreciated the support she got, and hopes that people will be more understanding of storage and why people do that.

She said, “You just try to keep yourself happy as possible in these circumstances.” “I feel more positive because I can see wood from trees now.”

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