South Carolina is an arrested woman in relation to Mercel Beach Hashim

Officials said on Friday that a woman accused of igniting more than 2000 acres in the forests last week in South Carolina, threatening the life and homes of hundreds, was arrested and charged with charges.

Alexandra Bieloso, 40, was arrested on Thursday, on charges of allowing the neglect of fire to deploy it and start a fire in the forests, herbal lands or other places without taking certain precautions, according to the South Carolina Forestry Committee.

The committee said that the witnesses reported a BIALOUSOW vision that begins a fire on Sunday in a fire hole in the backyard near the tree line in the division of Kovington Lakes.

“According to the arrest memo, the suspect did not have an appropriate source of water available easily,” the committee said in a statement, and it had no garden tools at hand to control the fire, allowing fire to spread to the land owned by Walker Woods Hua. “

This fire has grown to become a Covington Drive fire, which is still active near Myrtle Beach, one of the largest more than 175 burning fires throughout the state over the past week, according to officials.

Bialousow did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Saturday.

As of Saturday noon, the Kovington Drive fire was 55 % content, according to the Forestry Committee. No major fire injuries were reported.

Dry conditions abnormally led to forest fires that have gone more than 4000 acres at the state level and pushed evacuations, according to the office of South Carolina State Henry McMaster.

McMaster announced an emergency in response to fire on Sunday.

He said in a statement: “The conditions of huge dangerous fires require that the burning ban at the state level remain in effect until further notice. Those who violate this ban will be subject to criminal trial.”

The Ruler’s Office nor the Mertel Beach Police Department immediately responded to the request to comment on the arrest of Bianoso.

Bialousow is scheduled to appear before the court in Hururi Province on April 15. If convicted, every charge has a possible penalty of 30 days of prison or fines.

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