Two tasks fell on the moon. How to reveal it was a blatant contrast

Two tasks fell on the moon. How to reveal it was a blatant contrast

Editor’s note: A copy of this story appeared in the newsletter of CNN’s wonders. To get it in your inbox, Subscribe for free here. Every time a robotic explorer starts from the ground, he faces countless challenges – any of them can reduce the task. Astroforge in California, California, participated on Thursday that its ODIN…

The moon’s mission ends with a special spacecraft on its side, unable to recharge the batteries

The moon’s mission ends with a special spacecraft on its side, unable to recharge the batteries

A spacecraft created from the private sector did not stick to the intuitive company, as it ended on its side about 250 meters from its intended location. This was the second time in less than a week, as a special spacecraft arrived at the moon, but unlike the first landing – that a robotic polite…