The death penalty in the state of the prisoner’s vehicle leads to the “selection” of the shooting band

The death penalty in the state of the prisoner’s vehicle leads to the “selection” of the shooting band

Update (7 March 2025, 5:25 pm East time): Friday, Supreme Court to reject SigMon pride application to survive. No judges noticed any opposition.

Why is Brad Segun performed by the South Carolina shooting squad on Friday? Technically, because he apparently chose this rare way.

But as Sigon told the Supreme Court in an attempt to avoid this fate, it was not many options. This is not because of the clear desire to avoid the death of the entire state. Instead, the way the state dealt with this issue made the matter “impossible” to the prisoner “to assess the way that is the most inhuman to avoid the electric chair, chose the fire division”, his lawyer told the Supreme Court.

The feeling of guilt was not in the case for Cyssmon, who was convicted in 2002 and sentenced to death for killing Glades and David Lark, the father of his ex -girlfriend. As often in the call of the death penalty, it challenges the procedures behind how The state wants to kill him. The majority designated by Republicans in the Supreme Court were widely skeptical of death claims, which made it a difficult task, albeit impossible, for prisoners like Segamon to win such challenges.

South Carolina’s implementation law says that prisoners will be killed by electric shock unless they choose the fire or deadly shooting squad. But when he faced Satgon the choice last month, he says he could not make one of them. He said that officials do not reveal enough information to confirm that injection drugs are not “expired, or spoiler.”

On this background, the judges want to take this legal question and remain its implementation in the meantime:

Is the compressed timetable in South Carolina and the arbitrary denial of the necessary information for the prisoner convicted of exercising his legal right “never” [to] It is implemented through a method claiming to be more humane than another way that violates legal procedures?

SigMon is scheduled to be implemented at 6 pm on Friday, and he sought to be compassionate from the governor of South Carolina Henry McMaster.

The Associated Press reported that the execution will continue to be linked to Segon on a chair with a “target that was placed on his heart” as three volunteers armed with a gun at a time when fire fire is designed to break the effect with his chest. The NPR report raised concerns about the shooting that is taking place at home, citing experts who asked whether it was “safe for workers who will shoot at the prisoner and the people who will see.”

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