The shooting squad is executed

South Carolina Carolina Carolina Carphane Ceith Siegon was executed on Friday due to the death of my father, his ex -girlfriend, which represents the first execution of the state fire division in modern and first history in the United States since 2010.

SigMon was linked to a specially made chair and had a cover over his head while three volunteer correction staff were targeting guns loaded in his heart and each fired live bullets, according to many media witnesses that spoke at a press conference after that. The witnesses said that his death was announced at 6:08 pm.

The execution came shortly after the US Supreme Court rejected the last appeal of the remaining Cynegon, and the Republican governor of South Carolina refused Henry McMaster to grant him the mercy.

Sigon, 67, was convicted of killing Glades and David Lark in 2001, who were beaten to death with a Bisolb Path in their small house in the northwest of Carolina. Segon, who chose a deadly injection division or the electric chair, has always admitted to killing Larkus.

“My ladies and my jury pillow, I am guilty,” Sigon told jury in his trial, according to the archived coverage in Greenville News, which is part of the United States of America today. “I have no excuse for what I did. It’s my fault and I am not trying to blame anyone else, and I’m sorry.”

During his last words on Friday, Segon included four quotes from the Bible, who said that “there is no place in God in the New Testament that gives the man the authority to kill another man.”

“I want to be my closing graphics from love and an invitation to my Christian colleagues to help us end the death penalty. We are now under the grace and mercy of God,” Sigon said through his lawyer.

Rebecca Armstrong, the former Sigon girlfriend, told Rebecca Armstrong, in her first interview in 24 years since her parents were killed-that Siguon’s actions have separated from her family but did not agree to his execution, saying that death should be in the hands of God.

Here’s what you need to know about the implementation of SigMon, including more about the rare shooting squad and what the family of its victims say.

How to be planned to implement the shooting squad

Sigon was sitting and restrictions on a metal chair, a cover over his head, in the corner of a room shared by the electric chair in the state, according to the death witnesses.

The shooting team – three voluntary corrections employees – were standing behind the wall with guns loaded 15 feet from Segon. The wall has an opening for weapons.

The witnesses said that a small goal was placed on the heart of Sigmon, after which his lawyer read his last words, the goalkeeper ordered the death and the team shot. The Associated Press Jeffrey Collins correspondent said that the bullets appear to have reached the goal.

“It was immediate,” Collins said. “When I fired the shots, it was very loudly, it was very difficult … I think it was at that point, everyone in the room had turned … there was only one place where I could see any harm to make me think (bullets) all of them.”

Watch the witnesses of implementation from the SigMon file on the right side.

SigMon chose the shooting division on the electric chair or fatal injection, with the martyrdom of its lawyers Implementation of the implementation property The brutality of “an old electric chair, which is burning and cooking it alive.

South Carolina’s shooting squad: Is the “barbaric” method returning?

What is the modern history of the US shooting team?

Five states – South Carolina, Mississippi, Utah, Ocalahma and Edaho – The shooting teams began as an implementation method, the last of which was the state of Idaho in 2023.

The last prisoner in the United States was killed by the shooting squad before Friday in 2010, when Utah Rooney Lee Gardner carried out her to kill a man during a robbery. The executions of the other shooting squad in Utah, Gary Mark Gilmore in 1977 and John Albert Taylor in 1996.

Among the witnesses on the execution of Gardner, the Associated Press correspondent said that five volunteer prison staff shot him from about 25 feet with a caliber gun. One of the rifles was empty, so none of the volunteers knew whether they fired a dead bullet, AP said.

“There is no justice,” Kingon’s lawyer said in a statement before the execution of Friday.

He said, “Everything about this barbaric anxiety approved by the state-from choosing to the same way-is well tough,” he said. “We should not just fear – we must be angry.”

He had argued that Sigmon was a “torture” man at the time of the killings due to an unjust mental illness that caused “irrational and paid rings”, which he tried to treat street drugs.

“This is Brad, who was already struggling with the organic brain damage and sadness of his violent childhood, he surrendered to a psychotic break,” King said. “The jury, which was sentenced to the extent of his mental health, had a severe danger, or that it may have been incompetent even for trial.”

Who is Brad Keith Segon? More about South Carolina’s man who chose the shooting squad

What did Brad Keith Segon condemn?

On April 27, 2001, Sejmoun appeared at the home of David and Galidis Lark with a plan he excelled while he was cocaine the night before: He was connected and kidnapped his ex -wife.

Instead, he defeated the couple to death with a Bissoul striker, and they hit each nine times, according to the police and the medical examiner report. Sigmon Armstrong was kidnapped in his car but she jumped from the moving car and managed to escape, although Sigon shot it once in the foot before his gun was running out, according to court records.

Sigmon told the jurors in his 2002 trial that he had no excuse for what he did, saying that when Armstrong fell out of love with him, “Take me out,” according to the Greenville News.

He said to the jurists: “I was obsessed with it. Do you love her? More than anything else in the world.”

He continued to tell the jury that the death penalty may have been appropriate in his case, saying: “I hate what I did.”

“Do I deserve to die? Maybe I do,” I don’t want to die … I just want to live for my family. “

Who was Glades and David Lark? Parents in a small town of 5 years were killed by Brad Keith Sigon

The Larkes family says it was “glue”

This week, Armsterong told Armstrong this week that her parents were simple people and had five children and they were always looking for everyone. Her mother, who was 59 years old when she was killed, liked to cook a feast for all family members. Her father, who was 62 years old, “had a good heart” was fast in forgiveness and asked forgiveness.

“They were the glue of the family,” Armstrong said, adding that they had missed the birth of some of their eight grandchildren and five children of their grandchildren since they were killed. “Take it away.”

She did not attend the execution, saying that she eventually managed to forgive Summon through the love of God and consultations for a Christian psychiatrist.

And she said: “The Bible tells you, and I know that he says” an eye for the eye “and” Age for the teeth “, but if you read in there, revenge is not mine, the Lord says, revenge is God.” “I don’t think someone is removed will lead to closing.”

Rebecca Barbari, who is now going by Rebecca Armstrong, is sitting and watching in a lawyer talking about the testimony of her ex -boyfriend Brad Keith Segon on July 18, 2002.

Rebecca Barbari, who is now going by Rebecca Armstrong, is sitting and watching in a lawyer talking about the testimony of her ex -boyfriend Brad Keith Segon on July 18, 2002.

However, she added that she was hoping to bring some comfort.

“I miss my mother and my father,” said Armstrong, who separated from Segon before the killings and did not meet an interview about crimes until I spoke with the United States of America today. “I couldn’t see them growing up. I couldn’t take care of them. My brothers and sisters, we missed it.”

Segon was the second prisoner who was executed in South Carolina this year and the sixth in the United States

This article was originally appeared on Usa Today: Launching the shooting band: Brad Keith Segon was implemented in South Carolina

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