A Associated Press correspondent, who watched, was like Carolina South Carolina, a convicted killer by shooting at the experience, saying that the experience of watching the killing is now “engraved” in his mind.
Jeffrey Collins, who witnessed executions in South Carolina, wrote to 21 years of news, and now 11 people were killed using three different ways, a short article on the experience.
Three volunteers from the prison service watched the fire on Brad Segon Mit on Friday evening. SigMon was the oldest person to be executed in the history of the state, and his death was part of a series of rapid killings that the state followed in the past six months as it was the death penalty.
After stopping for 13 years, South Carolina is now men in the death row to choose the death-seat method, a fatal injection or a shooting squad. Development has been widely condemned by human rights activists and death penalty groups.
Sigmon, who was convicted of the killing of his ex -girlfriend, David and Galidis Lark, chose to shoot them due to unclear information about the drugs used in legal injection and fears that may take a long time to work.
“As a journalist, you want to prepare for yourself for a task. You are looking at a case. Collins wrote:” I have read about the topic. “
“In the two weeks since I knew how Siguon will die, I read the shootings and the damage that the bullets could have.
He added: “I also made a copy of his trial, including how the prosecutors said that it took less than two minutes until Segon swings from his ex -parents in each of them nine times in his head with a baseball hunger, and going between them in different rooms of their home in Greenville in 2001 until they died.”
Collins then continued to detail the shooting band and try to watch it.
“It is impossible to know what to expect when you did not see a person shooting at a close distance directly in front of you,” he said.
“The shooting squad is definitely faster – and more violent – than deadly injection. It is also tense. My heart started bombing a little after Sege’s lawyer read his final statement. The cover was placed on the head of SigMon, and one of the employees opened the black clouds that were protected as the volunteer archers were in the three prison system.”
After about two minutes, they shot. There was no warning or countdown. The sudden crack of guns was astonished. The white goal with the Red Bullseye, which was on his chest, and the standing of the black prison suit, immediately disappeared with the outbreak of the whole Segham body. “
“A rough red spot appeared around the size of a small grip where Segon was shot. His chest moved two or three times. Outside a rifle, there was no sound.
“A doctor came out in less than a minute, and it took another minute to be examined. Sejun’s death was announced at 6:08 pm
“Then we left through the same door that we entered,” he added.
SigMon lawyers said that it was “Al -Hamji” that made men in the death row choose the way they died and argued that the state is obligated to provide more information about deadly injection drugs. His last words included an appeal to end the death penalty.
I read his recent words, parties to his lawyer, read: “I want my closing graphic to be of love and an invitation to my Christian colleagues to help us end the death penalty. Eye was used as an eye as a justification for the jury to search for the death penalty. At that time, I was very ignorant to know how wrong it is.”
The Collins article also separates the shooting effect.
“I will not forget the rifle on Friday and this goal disappears. Sigon wrote speaking or heading towards his lawyer, in an attempt to inform him that he is fine before the cover continues.”