Trump is not alone in his geopolitical aspirations. Some want in Illinois and Oregon to change as well

While President Donald Trump floats major ideas such as the restoration of Panama channel and Greenland, some of the countryside in Illinois and Oregon promote their geopolitical change: they want to stay away from their states, and may be united with Indiana and Idaho.

Supporters say they share their rural brothers more via state lines than they do with Urbanites in Chicago and Portland, Oregon. They claim that democracy -led cities have a lot of influence in the state government so that rural and republican voices are flooded.

In the past five years, voters were asked in 33 provinces in Illinois whether they wanted to think about separating from Cook’s boycott in Chicago to form a new country. Every time, the majority said yes.

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Some politicians in Indiana, adjacent to this idea. The state’s parliament recently submitted legislation that would welcome Illinois provinces in the Indiana fold. Such a deal would represent the first major reorganization of the states since the secession of West Virginia, Virginia, to abide by the union during the civil war. Despite a few local momentum, there are great obstacles to reaturing state lines within the United States for beginners, so the states that give up the provinces approve, which are a long snapshot. Congress will also have to agree.

The borders of the state have changed at least 50 times over the history of the United States, according to the National Center for Interstate in the State Government Council. Several changes were relatively simple, as it represents the conversion of rivers or the re -creation of signs of long survey studies.

But the organizers of Illinois and Oregon hope to benefit from the current political environment.

“With this polarization,” said GH Merritt, head of the Pro-Breakaway New Illinois. “I don’t know, man, he may reach a turning point.”

Why do some people want to separate?

At least three organizations are pressed to reshape the Illinois provinces to secede from Chicago and its closest suburbs.

Cook Province contains about 40 % of the state’s population, including the majority of the black, Asian and Latin population, which is known for its cultural treasures, the debts of pensions and the date of crime. Democrats dominate legislative provinces in the Chicago region, while Republicans represent most parts of the other state.

For Merrit, the problem is that since the United States Supreme Court ruled in 1964 that all legislative seats should be allocated on the basis of the population instead of provinces, Chicago had all political influence.

She said: “What we experience in Illinois is very similar to what the founders were in colonial times complaining about it. We have taxes without representation.”

The polls measure, favorite voters for each province will allow work with those from other provinces to form a new country. But the proposals stop declaring independence.

Indiana legislators responded to these voices by progressing a bill that could start talks at the state level.

“Instead of separation, we believe that we have something to offer here,” said Todd Huston, Speaker of the House of Representatives in Indiana. He pointed out that his mandate has less taxes and economic growth higher than Illinois.

But do not rely on being Illinois accepting: Earlier this year, JB Pritzker, a democratic, launched an Indiana’s “trick” legislation that will not reach anything.

What happens in Oregon?

For several years, the population in the rural East Oregon, which tends to the Republicans, was setting the basis for separation from democratic provinces on the western side of the CASCADE Mountains. Their goal is to reliably join Idaho Red.

The Great Idahu movement won the non -binding elections in 13 provinces. Supporters were holding the city’s halls, selling hats and shirts and setting up advertising boards with messages such as “East Oregon”.

Idahu’s house two years ago approved Oregon’s invitation to enter the discussions. But similar measures are still buried in committees in the legislative body in Oregon, with minimal possibilities.

“At this stage, Oregon is being captive,” said Matt McCau, CEO of Grews Idaho.

The borders of the state turn, but not often, or by many

More than 150 years have been since changing the entire provinces. After Virginia separated from the United States in 1861, the Federation loyal to the New Virginia state formed. The fate of two provinces remained in a dispute until the US Supreme Court ruled in 1871 that they belonged to West Virginia.

Since then, there have been many failed attempts to reorganize. Writer Norman Miller nominated the mayor of New York in 1969, and called for the city to become 51; Five provinces of South New Jersey voted for secession in 1980; California has held several proposals to divide the state. Earlier this year, one of the legislators in Iowa proposed the purchase of nine provinces in southern Minnesota.

GeoGRAPHER GARRERTT DASH NELSON has once suggested redrawing all the state lines to organize them around the metro areas. But he recognizes the challenges.

“I do not see much evidence of a lot of real political will or interest in re -drawing state lines,” said Nelson, head and head of the Levental Center. A map and education in the Boston Public Library. “Such a huge elevator will be.”


The Associated Press Claire Rush’s writer contributed to this report.

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