What is the bloodiest day for driving in Dilayer? Here is what you find studying

What is the bloodiest day for driving in Dilayer? Here is what you find studying

As the most warmer weather approaches, many Dilawarians will prepare to hit the road. But if you are planning to go out on Friday evening, you may want to rethink your timing.

A new study showed that with drivers rushing to start weekends, more lives are lost on Dilayer roads more than any other day of the week.

The Lawyers of the injuries, Badr Scott, conducted a study of five years of data (2018-2022) from the National Traffic Safety Administration on Highway Traffic, and revealed fatal patterns in the statistics of the state.

The results show that among the 605 fatal accidents in Dilayer during this period, nearly one of every five on Friday happened.

A plane crash has slowed in I-95 north on Friday afternoon on July 12, 2019.

A plane crash has slowed in I-95 north on Friday afternoon on July 12, 2019.

DEAWARE Ways see a rise in the volume of travel between states that may contribute to weekends, but an increase in the middle of the week raises concerns about the driver’s behavior, especially during routine movement. Wednesday is equal to Sunday in terms of danger, each of which represents 91 fatal accidents (15.04 %).

The top five wins with the lowest size of deadly accidents.

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The best 5 days in Dilayer to break her deadly

Here are the first five days of the week with the largest number of collisions:


Day of the week

The number of deadly accidents

% Of deadly accidents




18.84 %




16.36 %




15.04 %




15.04 %




12.40 %

Whether it is going to the beach, visiting the family, or just moving home for the weekend, experts advise drivers to avoid peak travel times, stay in a state of alert and practice defensive driving during these statistically dangerous periods.

To track 2025 fatal collision data, please visit the DELDOT traffic death dashboard.

You can CThis is Anitra Johnson ate Ajohnson@dilawareonline.com.

This article originally appeared in the Dilayer News Magazine: What is the bloodiest day for driving in Delaware?

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